i love how jewelry really makes a statement about how you are. This passage is from the jewelry company Abazia:
When Style Counts
The fashion world is all about making a statement with your dress style, but without jewelry it’s like an exclamation point without a dot. That’s why jewelry has always been an integral part of the fashion world, emphasizing a style or finishing it off for a more complete look.
Different Decades, Different Accents
You’ll find as you review fashion history, that each decade had it’s own unique style. In some cases, a style is brought forward into another decade and celebrated again. In some cases it’s the dress style, and other times it’s the vintage jewelry designs that make a re-appearance. You can bet that even when the old shows up again, it won’t be boring, and instead be very exciting! It can even mean something new, like vintage jewelry made from shells or wood that now makes an eco-friendly statement.
Designers Draw Inspiration from The Past
By taking a look at how past decades used fabrics, jewelry, and accessories, designers draw inspiration for new, bold, designs. Sometimes they fall flat, but often it inspires the audience to think in new ways, and through this simple act has a profound impact on how that culture develops.
So true! Jewelry really plays a part in what I wear, how I feel, can totaly chainge the tone of what ever I am wearing. Rad Post!
Cool rings...LOVE Them
How nice of all I liked a lot !
Love this post, I neeeeeeeed more jewellrey, I really want to go to india or peru and buy a ton of it xxxxx
i love all the images beautiful rings
great accessories! i have more rings than i have fingers, and more bracelets than i can possibly wear together, but i still need more!
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I love this spread and your different points
<3 April Lyn
the contemporary ingenue
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